Bullying? Wait what the fuck did i just hear on the news? Obama to hold a conference on bullying...... The Pussification of America Continues.
Nice while the world is going bizerk, the middle east is rioting, the economy in the tubes, and tsunamis killing our raw fish consuming friends, Obama is trying to make sure that kids dont get bullied. Glad we elected a guy who really cares. First of all, I was bullied when I was younger and when I got bigger than the bullies I threw them into snow banks. Bullying makes a man. How is anyone who has'nt gone through a bullying episode ever going to learn how to deal with anything they don't like. Lincoln was bullied, Einstein, Edison, and Eastwood were bullied, and even Curt Schilling was bullied. Apparently we've gotten through over 230 years of American history and built the freest and most powerful country the world has ever seen with bullying going on. Without bullying the US is going to be made up of people like Justin Bieber. Maybe the "B" word is America's little secret to its success. In this article Obama is quoted as saying "I was bullied and I know how it feels." He literally proves my point - Bullied growing up, President of the United States as an adult.
Oh yea and check out this kid's funny ears what a loser.
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